What’s In A Name?
Wednesday August 14, 2019 | Orange LeadersNames are important. It’s typically the first thing you learn about someone, the first connecting point you share over a nametag or a handshake. But if we’re “bad” at remembering names, we make excuses. Read more
Four Strategies For Recruiting New Volunteers This Fall
Thursday October 11, 2018 | Jessica BealerThe fall season is upon us and you’ve got big plans. Your calendar is booked with parent connection events, baby dedications, baptism celebrations, and holiday parties. The last quarter of the year is commonly referred to as a strategic growth season, and while you’re excited and ready to implement your growth initiatives, in the back […] Read more
Recruiting…But Not From The Stage
Thursday May 17, 2018 | Paula DannielleI’ve been in some level of family ministry for over 20 years, and there is one statement I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say, “We have so many volunteers I really hope no one else wants to serve!” The fact of the matter is that most kid and student ministries are always looking for ways […] Read more
Creating Community Among Volunteers
Tuesday May 15, 2018 | Tom PounderMinistry Leaders spend countless hours trying to help their team grow. Whether it is organizing training days, going on conference trips, buying books that will be helpful or even bringing in a guest speaker to talk about certain subjects, they are always on the lookout to help improve and grow the team. As valuable as […] Read more
Getting Everyone to See That Every Phase Matters
Monday May 14, 2018 | Paula DannielleThe phase, or the time in a kid’s life that we influence significant relationships, understand present realities, and leverage distinctive opportunities, flow in a continuum that requires all kid and student ministry workers to have a basic knowledge how one impacts the other. The four phases that allow us to embrace, engage, affirm, and mobilize […] Read more
Communicating With Your Volunteers
Friday May 11, 2018 | David ClarkWe’ve established the importance of volunteers many times before. They are your lifeblood. Without them, it would be nearly impossible to do ministry at all! But a crucial part of sustaining longevity with your volunteers falls entirely in your lap—communication. How, what, and when you communicate with your teams can make or break their experience […] Read more
Helping Volunteers Navigate Change
Wednesday May 9, 2018 | Geoff SurrattIt was time for a change, it was time to move the 4:00 pm Saturday service to 5:00 pm. We spent months researching optimum service times, asking families for input and discussing the change with stakeholders. (I didn’t know service times had stakeholders.) When the day came for the change, however, weeping and wailing was […] Read more
How Are You . . . Really?
Tuesday May 8, 2018 | Amy FentonVolunteers! I love these people. Just the thought of them conjures up so many wonderful emotions. I’ve served alongside some of the best volunteers in the country. Some true rock stars! I hope and pray you are doing the same. In fact, if you have a volunteer team at all, you are. But, isn’t it […] Read more
How to Encourage Volunteer Leaders
Monday May 7, 2018 | Dexter CulbreathSure, the very word volunteer communicates that they willingly chose to support our mission and fill the needs. They knew what they signed up for and decided to invest in this messy work. They know the stakes. We clarified what to expect during orientation, and we keep a clear picture of our vision in front […] Read more
Easiest Way to Explain Orange Strategy to Your Team
Friday February 16, 2018 | Matt NormanOnce you hear it, the Orange Strategy makes a lot of sense. However, if you’ve never heard of it before, it can be strange. Whether you are just starting to explore the Orange Strategy, or have been living Orange for years, the people on your team need to know what this is all about. Here […] Read more