Dexter Culbreath
Dexter Culbreath is a leader, family advocate and director of community development at Love Beyond Walls. He is passionate about seeing families at their best. His blend of corporate and ministry leadership experience provides a unique perspective and approach to guiding families toward wholeness. Dexter desires to bring communities together—centered around family.
Setting Goals for Community Outreach This Year
Monday December 30, 2019 | Dexter Culbreath“They came and they went, but will they return?” Well, that depends on what we do between now and then. Read more
Explaining Orange to Holiday Visitors at Your Church
Monday December 23, 2019 | Dexter CulbreathThe holidays are here and so are new families. As a ministry, we want to help our families meet people, add experiences, prioritize time, identify needs, and talk together. Read more
Partnering With Local Schools This Holiday Season
Friday October 25, 2019 | Dexter CulbreathOne of the best ways to make a significant impact this holiday season is to minster to the schools in our communities. Like our ministries, the schools in our communities could greatly benefit from the generous support of selfless volunteers. Which school leaders can we meet with to support them this holiday season? They could probably spout off several areas in which they need our support. We could come away from those meetings with so many opportunities. Read more
Love Over Time is the One Thing That Matters Most
Friday February 15, 2019 | Dexter CulbreathIt takes a village to nurture kids over time. Sometimes, it is not until we become parents that we realize how much our caring parents and key influencers have loved us over time. Single acts of love are quite powerful, without a doubt. But, experiencing love over years and decades communicates an exponential impact on […] Read more
Today, This Week, Next Year—What Your Church is Doing Matters
Monday February 11, 2019 | Dexter CulbreathAnd the winner is. . . . What an exhilarating, stress-filled rush, right? Why do we put ourselves through the surge of overwhelming emotions? We already know what is going to happen. The camera is going to zoom in on the lid that covers the unforgivable dish of the chef that will be unfortunately eliminated, […] Read more
How to Encourage Volunteer Leaders
Monday May 7, 2018 | Dexter CulbreathSure, the very word volunteer communicates that they willingly chose to support our mission and fill the needs. They knew what they signed up for and decided to invest in this messy work. They know the stakes. We clarified what to expect during orientation, and we keep a clear picture of our vision in front […] Read more
Creating a Crisis Plan for Your Church Ministry
Thursday April 5, 2018 | Dexter CulbreathWe never see them coming; or if we do, we only have moments to get ready and respond. Crises and tragedies slap us in the face at the worst moments. They hurt. They sting. They can bring everything to a sudden halt. Our lives can seem to be in limbo. Our communities are devastated and […] Read more
Inviting Neighbors With Grace and Humility
Friday December 22, 2017 | Dexter CulbreathSo we have chosen to be for our neighbors. We have raised our hands, signed our names on the list and maybe even shouted “I” instead of “nay,” during the vote. Whatever the case may be, we are here now. We are crouched at the starting line, waiting for the starting pistol to permit us […] Read more
How to Influence Key People in Your Community
Friday October 6, 2017 | Dexter CulbreathAs ministry leaders, we are fantastic at connecting with families and guests on Sundays and maybe even during our midweek gatherings. But to make the biggest impact, we must also engage our families outside of those times. What would our families look like if we were involved in their lives daily? As we know, there […] Read more