Bobby Ikebudu
Orange Kids Director of Church Engagement
Large Group Experiences for Kids, Small Group Leader Training, Volunteer Training
About Bobby Ikebudu
Bobby Ikebudu was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Throughout the past decade, he has been a nextgen pastor, middle school science teacher, communications/marketing director, and camp host & speaker. One of his favorite ministry highlights was successfully launching multiple children and preteen environments. Bobby enjoys acting, hosting, and storytelling. His funny and enneagram 7 nature is contagious to any audience he interacts with. He has spent years coordinating and leading many interactive programs including family experiences (FX). Bobby has a Bachelor's in Science and a Masters in Business & Technology from the University of Georgia. Currently, he is the Director of Church Engagement at Orange Kids where he equips and inspires kid min leaders and volunteers to create fun and engaging environments for kids & families. His favorite times are spent hiking the nearest mountain, trying the spiciest foods, or thrift shopping his heart away.
Favorite Topics
Creating a welcoming & engaging environment for Kids Incorporating Fun and Faith within Large group, Elementary & Preteens Storytelling, Bullying, Marketing/Communication strategies, Social media & Digital Marketing Solutions for your Ministry, Creating a relevant environment, Family Experiences(FX), and Recruiting the Right Volunteer for Your ministry