Paula Dannielle
Paula Dannielle is originally from Phoenix, AZ. Currently, she serves as the Family Ministry Director for the Uptown campus at Forest Hill Church in Charlotte, NC. Paula holds degrees from Arizona State and Emory University, and has served in family ministry for over 20 years. She is passionate about empowering churches to partner with families in growing the faith of the next generation. Also, Paula is the founder of Purpose Over Rules, a family ministry coaching company. Paula is honored to share her journey with three gorgeous daughters: Chayil Destiny, Charity Joy, and Cherish Faith. In her "spare" time, you can find Paula vegging out and watching WWE or re-runs of Scandal.
What Makes Orange a Unique Solution to a Common Problem
Monday June 29, 2020 | Paula DannielleWe don’t want them to develop a faith that’s put on a shelf for later. We want them to have a faith that they use in their day-to-day now. Read more
Maximizing Family Time During the Holidays
Monday November 25, 2019 | Paula DannielleThe hustle-and-bustle of the holiday season doesn’t just pertain to shopping. Ministry work seems to get kicked up a notch between October and February. We have Fall Festivals, Hallelujah Nights, Trunk or Treats, Thanksgiving events, Christmas services, New Year’s services, and new families coming to jump-start their faith journeys this year. With all of these moments that are scrunched together by calendars, how we can make sure to protect our family time? Read more
Personal Actions Speak Louder Than Personal Words
Thursday February 7, 2019 | Paula DanniellePeople will follow what you do more than they will ever follow what you say. This is the power of example. And if you are a parent you have probably seen this play out when your three-year-old repeats something you say in private but would never want people to know you say in public. When […] Read more
How to Determine if Risk is Worth It
Tuesday January 29, 2019 | Paula DannielleThere is one sure way to never fail. That is to never take any risks in the first place. Taking risks is a part of life but it is also a part of ministry. Taking risks is the part of ministry that is a requirement for forward movement. We take risks when we realize a […] Read more
Aligning Leaders: Drawing a Straight Line
Tuesday January 22, 2019 | Paula DannielleHave you ever heard a basketball coach talking to their team during a time out? Everyone is huddled around each other listening for what to do next. They are not listening for the vision. The vision is clear. We want to score more points than the other team so that we can win. However, during […] Read more
Are You Using This Toolbox for Leading Small
Tuesday October 23, 2018 | Paula DannielleAbout five years ago I heard Orange had a new resource that helps train small group leaders, get them their lessons, and connect them with their few all from one phone app. Since I was spending an incredible amount of time every week editing group content, trying to find developmental materials, and trying to make […] Read more
Impacting Faith by Capturing Milestone Moments
Monday October 8, 2018 | Paula DannielleThere are moments throughout a child’s life that provide opportunities to partner with parents. These are moments of celebration that mark a child’s development. These opportunities—significant moments in the life journey of a parent and child that offer a unique opportunity to reinforce truth and celebrate a growing relationship with God—are called milestone moments (Think […] Read more
How to Lead Up and Introduce the Orange Strategy
Monday August 13, 2018 | Paula DannielleOrange Strategy places a strong belief and emphasis on several different things that all point to making a greater impact on the next generation. We believe and emphasize that kids and students need the voices of consistent adults to provide a safe space for them to explore their faith and how it intersects with their […] Read more
How Demographics Provide Your Ministry Context
Monday August 6, 2018 | Paula DannielleOne of my favorite Reggie Joiner ideas from A New Kind of Leader is that what we are doing only matters, if it matters right now. While this is certainly true of the ministry we do for kids and students, this is also true of the ministry we do with adults. Our communities are full […] Read more
Vision! Re-Vision! And Re-Vision Again!
Wednesday July 18, 2018 | Paula DannielleThere is one thing constant about life. Change! Change is the only thing we can count on happening every single day. If change happens every day, imagine how much change a ministry can go through each year. Change seems to happen more rapidly when you have an aligned team working toward one goal moving toward […] Read more