Misty Phillips
Misty Phillips loves connecting, talking strategy and problem solving with leaders. Learning must never stop as you lead—she learned this as a Children’s Ministry leader while she and her husband had four kids. The fun never stops at Misty’s house!
Volunteer, You Are The Awesome Secret Sauce
Wednesday October 16, 2019 | Misty PhillipsThere are not enough thank-you cards to say how grateful we are. Week by week, you plant and share God’s Truth in a relational way kids can put into practice. You prepare before you arrive on Sunday. You meet kids in their world to help them talk through and embrace faith. Thank you for choosing to develop relationships with kids to have influence in their lives. Read more
The Power of Story as an Ongoing Celebration of Ministry
Wednesday October 9, 2019 | Misty PhillipsAs you do weekly ministry it’s easy to forget to look up and around and take in what’s happening. That’s the real story. As you interact with kids, parents and volunteers you can be the catalyst to share stories that help inspire others. Stories are fuel to ministry. Read more
The Importance of a Small Group Culture
Tuesday March 13, 2018 | Misty PhillipsMemories of Sunday School I have sweet childhood memories of Sunday school. I remember sitting in the basement of the church early Sunday mornings (on a very cold, metal church folding chair) in a tight little circle. The room was tiny. There were several of these tiny rooms that went around the perimeter of the […] Read more
What Smart Leaders Know About the Holidays
Tuesday November 28, 2017 | Misty PhillipsThe holidays are upon us! Family calendars fill up fast. We check our list and check it twice. There are choir concerts, school parties, teacher gifts and more. Jingle here. Jingle there. Smart leaders like you understand that while it’s the most wonderful time of year, it can also be a tumultuous time in families […] Read more
The Problem With Perfect Family Pictures
Thursday March 2, 2017 | Misty PhillipsWe’ve all seen them. The complimentary glossy family photo’s displayed in picture frames at stores. At first glance, the photo gives you a glimpse of an imaginary family to help compliment the frame. The people in the photo are all smiles, with super white straight teeth. Their attire is coordinated. The kids are calm, poised […] Read more