Brett Talley
Orange Students Specialist
Large Group Experiences for Students, Parenting and Marriage, Small Group Leader Training, Volunteer Training
About Brett Talley
As a pastor’s kid, I grew up in the church world and felt a call to ministry at a young age. I jumped into full time ministry in 2005 and am an ordained reverend by the Church of God (Anderson). I was a student pastor & a nextgen pastor for the next 11+ years before jumping in to a new adventure with Orange and Orange Students. As an Orange Student Specialist, I now get to help ministries all over the world implement strategy, create systems, troubleshoot challenges & develop healthier ministries. Not to mention some other amazing things like being a part of a Middle School & High School curriculum called XP3, being a host for the Rethinking Youth Ministry Podcast and speaking at events like Orange Tour & Orange Conference. In addition to my role at Orange, I still love speaking to students, helping train & develop leaders and am a volunteer small group leader at my church. My passions in ministry are… -helping teenagers develop their own authentic faith in the midst of safe community, -helping small group leaders build those kinds of communities, and -helping ministry leaders build those kinds of ministries.
Favorite Topics
All Things Training for Student Pastors & Volunteer Small Group Leaders: Lead Small, Building Systems, Mental Health/Suicide in Ministry, Building a Ministry from Scratch, Just Getting Started in Ministry... I Still Love Speaking to Students too!
"Wounds can become wells filled with wisdom, strength and empathy. Brett Talley is that well. Brett is an experienced front-line youth leader. An extremely gifted communicator, Brett constantly chooses to create a better future — for the next generation and youth leaders — by going the extra mile. Brett deeply believes nothing is ever so dead that God can’t grow something living in it. Brett epitomizes the reality that the purpose of hope is love. "
-Stuart Hall, Communicator. Author. Director of INFLUNSR.