As church and ministry leaders, we know that we need to partner with parents to better influence the life of a child. But where we sometimes miss the mark: There’s a difference between including parents, and making them feel invited and welcome to the party.

On today’s episode of the Think Orange Podcast, Cindy Fiala explains why every church needs a thoughtful, strategic message for parents. Then, we have a conversation with America’s Supernanny, Deborah Tillman. Deborah reminds us what parents need most from the church and shares her advice on how to walk alongside them.

Welcome to Episode 61 of the Think Orange Podcast.

Topic Timeline

Dave introduces us to today’s topic and guests.(1:00)

Orange Apps (2:50)

Cindy Fiala on the message parents hear from us. (4:15)

If we want to make parents feel included, we can’t exclude them from the party. (7:35)

Ministry is messy: How are we embracing people when crisis hits? (8:20)

We need a thoughtful and strategic message.(9:13)

If we are for parents, then we need be their advocate. (11:45)

The two things that are true about every parent.(12:40)

The two things we need to communicate to every parent. (14:00)

The challenges families face today. (19:00)

Parents feel like they will fail their children. (21:15)

How we activate parents with a strategic message. (22:05)

Sarah Bragg and Holly Crawshaw introduce us to Deborah Tillman. (22:35)

What do parents most need to hear from the church right now? (26:55)

We need the heart of Jesus when we work with parents: less judgement, more healing. (28:45)

Wrestling with the word “discipline.” (30:05)

Showing kids what to do instead of telling them what not to do. (32:00)

How church leaders can come alongside parents who have parent guilt. (33:30)

Meeting a child’s needs when they don’t have the most stable home life. (38:05)

What’s the ultimate goal with parenting? (40:15)

Dave’s final thoughts. (47:00)