Kelsey Pedrick
My Embarrassing Secret About Leading Teenagers
Friday May 1, 2020 | Kelsey PedrickI lead a small group of sophomore girls. A few weeks ago, I shared a secret with my co-leader that I’ve never shared with anyone. A secret that honestly is a little embarrassing. A secret I wish weren’t true. Got your attention? My secret is that when it comes to youth ministry is that. . […] Read more
Co-Leaders—the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Friday May 1, 2020 | Kelsey PedrickThe best and worse thing to happen to me as a small group leader is a co-leader. But you probably knew that already. There’s a part of us that always thinks it’s a good idea to have another adult who can. . . Step in when we’re sick Keep track of our students at a […] Read more
Leading Change: 3 Strategies to Help Make it Easier
Friday April 3, 2020 | Kelsey PedrickIn the beginning, God spoke and change happened. That may have been the last time change management was that simple. For the rest of us, there is usually a process to change. Read more
Partner With Parents At Every Level
Thursday June 2, 2016 | Kelsey PedrickDid you know that the average fourth-grader will spend an estimated 400 hours this year playing video games or watching TV? The same fourth-grader who consistently attends a church will only show up about 40 times in a given year. If you consider sickness, sports, holidays and random family issues, at best your church will […] Read more