Geoff Surratt
Geoff has served on the leadership teams at Seacoast Church and Saddleback Church, and served as Managing Director of Exponential. He is an author of The Multisite Church Revolution, The Multisite Church Roadtrip and Ten Stupid Things that Keep Churches from Growing. He now serves as Pastor of Church Planting at Southeast Christian Church in Parker, Colorado, as well as coaching churches and leaders around the country. Geoff lives in Denver, with his wife Sherry. They have two awesome kids, a wonderful daughter-in-law, and the most beautiful granddaughters on earth. But, alas, Geoff cannot juggle.
Helping Volunteers Navigate Change
Wednesday May 9, 2018 | Geoff SurrattIt was time for a change, it was time to move the 4:00 pm Saturday service to 5:00 pm. We spent months researching optimum service times, asking families for input and discussing the change with stakeholders. (I didn’t know service times had stakeholders.) When the day came for the change, however, weeping and wailing was […] Read more