Barbara Graves
Barbara is a highly caffeinated lover of God, kids, coffee and laughing. She and her husband, Chris have four children and one granddaughter, Eden-Grace. After serving in various children’s ministries roles for 30+ years, Barbara is currently an Orange Specialist.
Ministers of Messy
Friday May 1, 2020 | Barbara GravesHow can you tell if a preschooler is having a good time when you walk into a room? You only need to look around. Is the room a complete and utter mess? If so, good job! They are having fun! There are few moments of greater joy for a child than unrestrained play. Put a child in […] Read more
Volunteer Recruiting Made Easy?
Friday August 9, 2019 | Barbara GravesNo matter the size of the ministry, from a coffee-shop church plant to a multi-campus mega-church, there always seems to be more opportunities to serve than servers! Over many years of interacting with churches around the country, I can only recall one church that had a waiting list of volunteers. What a dream world that must be! In the world of most leaders, though, opportunities abound and we can help others find their place if we are intentional. Read more
3 Things You Must Know Before Going Orange
Monday February 26, 2018 | Barbara GravesAs you are about to embark on this new Orange adventure, there are a lot of things you will want to know. And, as most adventures have a variety of points where you could begin, here is where I would suggest you begin—knowing these three things: First, know WHY. Know why you are using Orange […] Read more
When Less Becomes So Much More
Monday March 20, 2017 | Barbara GravesKids live in a world of more. The world of a child is one of constant information bombardment. From the time he wakes each morning until he is back in bed that night, he continually hears messages from various sources. School work, homework, family conversations, television, video games, computers, cell phones and social media all […] Read more
Tips For Structuring A Volunteer Team
Tuesday May 17, 2016 | Barbara GravesVolunteers! They are the lifeblood of ministry and without them programs, projects and church in general would come to a screeching halt very quickly. The significance of these individuals cannot be overstated because they don’t just serve the church—they are the church. And if they are healthy, the church will be healthy! As volunteers sign […] Read more