Stuart Hall
Stuart Hall is an influential leader who speaks to thousands of students, leaders, coaches, and parents each year. Stuart has coauthored three books: The Seven Checkpoints: Seven Principles Every Teenager Needs to Know, MAX Q: Developing Students of Influence, and Wired: For a Life of Worship, Leaders Edition. Stuart also laughs incessantly, serves as a volunteer high school varsity girls basketball coach, and loves his wife and three kids.
Rethinking Summer Programming
Tuesday June 13, 2023 | Stuart HallWe want to help you rethink summer programming for your kids and youth ministries through movies! Here are some ideas to debrief movies with your students over the summer. Read more
The Promise of Tomorrow
Monday January 9, 2023 | Stuart HallThe promise of tomorrow - it represents so many things! Learn what the theme of Orange Conference 2023, "See You Tomorrow," is all about. Read more