Sherry Surratt
Sherry is the former CEO of Mothers of Preschoolers International as well as a shoe junkie and coffee lover. Before joining MOPS, Sherry served at Leadership Network and as a staff pastor at Seacoast Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Sherry is the co-author of Just Lead! A No Whining Guide for Women Leaders in the Church, Beautiful Mess, a bible study for real moms, and the author of Brave Mom: Facing and Overcoming Your Real Mom Fears. The proud mom of Mike, Brittainy and daughter-in-love Hilary, she is also ridiculously proud of her granddaughters, Maggie Claire and Mollie Rose and lives with her pastor-husband Geoff in Parker, Colorado.
What the Church Needs to Know about Families with Special Needs
Wednesday April 1, 2020 | Sherry SurrattEvery kid is unique and special to their parent, but here’s what we miss sometimes: As church leaders, we tend to focus on what we can do for someone with a special need and overlook the unique gifts and talents they bring to a church. Read more
The 3 Things Every Church Strategy Needs
Monday January 27, 2020 | Sherry SurrattDo you ever find yourself thinking about the same tough situation in your ministry over and over again without moving toward a solution? Maybe you have a myriad of solutions, but struggle with the right one to pursue. If you’ve ever felt like this, you’re not alone. Read more