Jessica Bealer
Jessica Bealer has led children’s ministry for 17 years, including 5 years overseeing standards, systems, staffing, and atmosphere for the children’s programs of Elevation Church. She has overseen the launch of nearly 20 locations, and is considered a specialist in kidmin multisite. Jessica and her husband, Frank, have four children. You can hear more from Jessica on her podcast for leaders, “Women’s Leadership Workshop with Jess Bealer.”
Change Is a Process, Not a Position
Monday December 9, 2019 | Jessica BealerA new position doesn’t remove resistance. It does mean you’ve been afforded an opportunity to make a greater impact, and even more importantly, it means you have to step up to the plate, increase your capacity, and lead better. Over the years, I’ve discovered a three-step process to help navigate those early days of a new position. Read more
Four Strategies For Recruiting New Volunteers This Fall
Thursday October 11, 2018 | Jessica BealerThe fall season is upon us and you’ve got big plans. Your calendar is booked with parent connection events, baby dedications, baptism celebrations, and holiday parties. The last quarter of the year is commonly referred to as a strategic growth season, and while you’re excited and ready to implement your growth initiatives, in the back […] Read more
Are You Becoming the Leader Your Team Needs?
Monday June 11, 2018 | Jessica BealerFor many of us in ministry, summer is a welcome break, a time to take a breath, shore up standards, and try new things. Programming is a little less rigid, and that’s a good thing because volunteers tend to be sparse this time of year. Summer is also a great time to evaluate your current […] Read more
Empowering Your Volunteer Team
Monday October 30, 2017 | Jessica BealerAnts. Everywhere. I looked around the classroom and could feel the sting of tears forming. It was going to be a hectic morning. I had known for weeks today would be challenging and had done everything in my power to set up my teams for success. It was a long holiday weekend, which meant many […] Read more