Gina McClain
Gina McClain has led children’s ministry for 17 years, including 10 years at Life.Church in Oklahoma City, and 8 years at Faith Promise Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. Currently she serves as the nextgen pastor at Cross Point Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Gina teaches, mentors, and writes on the topic of ministry leadership and personal development.
Shedding Light
Friday May 1, 2020 | Gina McClainI love light. In the evening, as the sun sets, I walk around my house and turn on a few lights and lamps. I’ve never been a fan of dark. Maybe it’s some childhood heebie-jeebies lingering from my past. I remember feeling like the biggest chicken as a kid when I visited my grandparents. When […] Read more
Are You Dreading Sunday?
Friday October 27, 2017 | Gina McClainCan I tell you a secret? I used to dread Sundays. Like, I really hated Sundays. It’s an odd place to be for a leader in children’s ministry. It’s like playing on the basketball team and loving the practice yet dreading game day. I loved what I did. The vision and impact of my work […] Read more